Episode #29 – Don’t Run From the World, CHANGE IT! – Quotes & Commentary

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Join us this week as we discuss the recent “Don’t Run From the World, Change It” event that took place in SW Florida on April 29-30, 2017. Videos of the event can be found on the GCS Apprenticeship website at http://www.gcsapprenticeship.com.

This week we go over and highlight some of the quotes that came from the event and discuss the various speakers and their talks in the light of Christian reconstruction and the importance of Christian education.

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Speaker 1: The Reconstructionist Radio Podcast Network presents the Preschool Pioneer’s Podcast with Reverend Jeremy Walker, where you will hear practical and biblical advice from a unique perspective on the subject of Christian education.

Jeremy Walker: The Preschool Pioneers Podcast is brought to you by the GCS Apprenticeship Program. For more information visit gcsapprenticeship.com. Welcome back to another episode of the Preschool Pioneers Podcast. I am your host, Reverend Jeremy Walker. On this edition of the Preschool Pioneers podcast, we’re going to take a break from our normal stuff we discuss and we’re going to discuss more of an update of sorts. We had a recent event that took place here in southwest Florida, where we were discussing mostly education or the construction and reformation of education as it is known, specifically in the field of preschool and children in particular.

This event for me was a really great time. Any time we have events like these, I find them very encouraging, especially to hear people discussing something that I feel very strongly about. In this case, it is education and Christian education specifically and different things, different aspects of that field. This event was filmed as well and we took the films and we produced them. We have them now up on the apprenticeship website and also on the apprenticeship YouTube channel. The GCS Apprenticeship website is gcsapprenticeship.com and the YouTube, you can go there and you can find our apprenticeship YouTube Channel there, just search GCS Apprenticeship and you should be able to find it with no problem whatsoever. On there we have a lot of different playlists. One of those being this event and all of the various videos and speakers that were there.

Now I’m going to go through, because we had produced these videos to share with others, lots of people wanted to attend, could not attend. We went ahead and filmed everything, produced everything and have now submitted everything and put it up on YouTube for everybody to look at and posted it to our website. If you have not yet taken a look at those, if you have not yet seen those, I definitely encourage you to do so. You can find them, once again, on the GCS Apprenticeship website, right on the home page, and/or there’s a link as well I think on the home page, scroll about half way down, you’ll see a advertisement that says, “Our YouTube channel,” et cetera. Now, we do have not only the videos that came out but we also went through and we pulled some quotes, some quotes from all the various speakers.

I’d like to go over those with this episode here, that’s why it’s a little bit different than the other stuff. I’d like to give the listeners a preview, if you will, of what took place and why I find it so encouraging to discuss this subject and the importance of it. We’ll start with some of the speakers and I’ll highlight some of their comments and discuss them a little bit, and what I think of them. Once again, you can find the full videos and the full speaker events and everything on our website and pages. Let’s go ahead and start with Reverend Aaron Slack. He was speaking at our event. At our event he was talking about apprenticeship versus traditional college. I have a couple quotes here from him.

If you have a … Well, if you are rather. If you are a young adult and you’re thinking about going to traditional college, if you are a parent and your children are coming of age and you are thinking of suggesting that they go to traditional college, I definitely think you should rethink this strategy in lots of different ways and for lots of different reasons. Let me give you some quotes that Reverend Aaron Slack gave us during our event. Hopefully, this will give you some things to think about. Hopefully, I can add some thoughts to it.

One of the things that Aaron said was, “The way the traditional college system is setup today is very, very much like indentured servitude of years past. Except that indentured servitude often had a better outcome than traditional college does for people who went through it.” That my sound a little harsh but in fact I was recently doing some research on this concept, and you can actually go YouTube, the internet and look up all the different people who have gone to traditional college and the massive amounts of debt that these people are going through. These people, they’re young children. They’re 17, 18 years old when they’re making these types of decisions. They have no concept of money, they have no concept of debt, they have no concept of interest. They have none of these concepts whatsoever. You can sit and hear them talk about their debt. In fact, it’s been called a debt crisis, college problem we have in America today.

The problem we’re having is that these kids, they go to these colleges, they get these degrees, most of them when they leave the college, they don’t even use the degree for whatever it was they went. Most of them are going for English Lit, but then they work at a gas station or whatever it might be that they work at. 90% of them probably aren’t even going to utilize the degree which they got from the college originally. Now they have a very, very expensive piece of paper that they’re never really going to use, might hang on the wall and talk about it but it’s of no real world value to them. But then they spend the next five, 10, 15, 30 years, depending on how much they owe, trying to pay this off.

I remember somebody I talked to on a personal level, she was a doctor, she was an optometrist. She worked on people’s eyes and whatnot. She had gone to school for it, had over $100,000 debt, 100,000 plus, to get this doctorate to become a doctor. The problem was that she went in and became this doctor and found out, apparently I guess to her surprise somewhat, that she didn’t really like doing the job she was in. She didn’t really like that field, but the problem was, is that she now had this super expensive degree and super massive debt, and so she had to continue working in the field. She had open a practice and all the rest and didn’t like it, and spent over 10 years paying on this debt, until she finally got it paid off. When she had it all paid off, she quit. She stopped the field, went into something else she actually did like. She spent 10 years of her life just paying off the degree that she made a decision on when she was younger. Now, all of a sudden, she spends the next 10 years of her life just paying it off. The concept of making this sound like it’s indentured servitude, yes.

The only problem with indentured servitude is that when somebody’s done with their debt they’re done. With college, by the time you’re done with college, now that starts your indentured servitude, where you actually have to begin paying off this massive debt, and you get nothing really out of it. At least the majority, the vast majority of people, they do not. We have another quote here from Reverend. It says, “Traditional college for most people is an expensive an unnecessary detour from doing what God wants us to do.” I thought this was a great, great, great quote here, because it really is a deterrent. Some people go to colleges and it’s not really their calling, it’s not their job. They’re just going off to college for four years or for six years or however many years it is. I know one person in particular that I can think of, comes to mind when I think of this subject and has a family, a good family, had a family business.

What happened was, is they suggested that their child go off to college, and they did. Went off to a local college and once they were done, child came back and went to work with the family business and wasn’t using the degree. They didn’t need the degree to work with their family. They spent four years of their life off in Neverland at this college, learning things, doing things, getting degrees that they didn’t even need. They kind of put their entire life on hold for four years for no reason and then of course, on top of that, have all the debt which they didn’t need anyways. It’s really a waste of time, the traditional college as a whole.

Then of course, this other quote I have from Reverend Aaron is, “Ask yourself this, do you actually need a traditional college diploma for your calling?” Once again, we just touched on that a little bit, because most of these things you don’t need a degree for whatever you’re doing. It is a question you have to ask yourself. If you’re a young person or if you’re a parent of a young person, really stop and ask yourself that question, does my child need a degree for whatever they’re going into? Or better yet, do they know what they want to go into? They might not even know. Why go off to something to get a degree in something if you’re not even sure why you’re going there or what you’re doing. This is one of the reason why we promote apprenticeship as well.

In our field, whenever we’re talking about apprenticing for Christian teachers and this field in particular, you don’t have to spend a lot of time and a lot of money trying to figure out if you like something, if you’re good at it. With an apprenticeship like what we have here at our program, you learn really quick if it’s something that you like or if it’s something that you’re good at and if it’s something you want to do. On the opposite side of being expensive, for our apprenticeship program you actually come out way ahead as far as getting degrees that are free, bachelor’s, master’s degrees, all the rest that comes with our program. Of course, you’re not just volunteering your time, you’re actually getting paid and free housing, everything on top of it.

Apprenticeships far, far outweigh traditional college avenues. Of course, once again, let’s say for instance you did get into it, like our example we had of somebody who didn’t like what they were doing. Whenever you’re in an apprenticeship, you find that you don’t like it, you don’t spend the next four years or 15 years paying for a moment’s decision whenever you found out that it wasn’t actually something that you might be called to. Apprenticeship is far exceeding that of traditional college, no matter which field you’re in. We’re not talking about just our field our Christian education, maybe you’re called to something different, but does it require a college degree? Does it require you to go into debt? If it’s not something that requires these things, if the answer’s no, you really should avoid these things. You don’t need to go to traditional colleges just to end up in indentured servitude for the next 10 years. It’s something to think about.

Moving on, I have some quotes from Mrs. Rachel Adams. Her topic for the event was the goal and purpose of evangelism. A quote I have for her is this, “In order to understand the goal and purpose of evangelism, we have to talk about where the fight is.” Then she says, “We’re on the front lines everyday.” You have, really when you’re talking about the goal and purpose of evangelism, you have to understand why is it you’re doing it? What is it? What is the purpose of it? The goal and purpose of evangelism of course is to seek out those people who are of course called of God. This is evangelism.

It’s also to make a difference in the community as a whole, to influence those people that you get a chance and opportunity to do so. Much like how parents will influence their children, they will daily, day in and day out, influence their children to not do things that are wrong but to things that are good, according to what God says is good and not good, the Commandments. The same thing happens also if you’re in the field of education, you’re also influencing children as well, students in this case, to do the same thing. If you do this in the field that we’re talking about here day in and day out, you’re not just influencing your own personal children, you’re influencing the children of the community.

Then of course, you do this often enough and long enough, and of course you start to make a real impact in the community for Christ. If you don’t understand the goals and purposes of what you’re trying to do, you’re not trying to get a sinner’s prayer out of people, but you’re actually trying to see real substantial changes happen in the lives of your students, children and of course the community. That’s done through real evangelism. Real evangelism isn’t just teaching that people need Jesus, but also teaching them how they’re supposed to live. That, of course, requires the teaching of the Commandments. If you don’t have the commandments, if you’re not teaching that, then you really don’t understand the goal or the purpose of evangelism whatsoever, because it’s not just teaching about Jesus. That is the beginning, but why does somebody need Jesus? They need Him because they’re sinners. How do they know they’re sinners? Because you’ve taught them the law.

This is kind of the flow here that you have to understand. If you don’t understand the goals and the purposes of evangelism, then you certainly shouldn’t be a Christian of any sorts whatsoever, if you don’t understand why you’re doing what you’re doing. Now, my wife also was there at the event, Abigail Walker. Her topic was backyard missionaries. This one was great for me because we are missionaries here and people have a misconstrued idea about what it means to be a missionary. When they hear missionary, they think going off to some exotic place like China or Africa or some place where there’s no running water. But they don’t think about missionaries as those people who are going out to the people who need the gospel the most.

If people are paying attention, at least I hope they are, then they notice that if you live in America, where we do, then America is a ripe ground for evangelism. We are right now knee deep or chest deep or nose deep, however you want to say it, in humanism all around. We don’t need to send our missionaries off to foreign fields, we need our missionaries to stay right where they’re at and just get to work. Now don’t get me wrong, we also need missionaries around the world, but people don’t consider people who are in the United States or in a, what they call, first world countries as being real missionaries, somehow. That’s why I like this talk my wife gave on this subject, backyard missionaries. In other words, right in your own backyard, right where you’re at. You don’t have to go to some exotic place.

Let’s go ahead and give you some quotes here from here. One of the first quotes was, “Real change does not come from handing someone a Bible. Real change comes from teaching the law of God and understanding that blessings come from obedience to His Commandments.” This was really good because she used in her speech, which once again, all these different speakers you can find on our YouTube channel and our main website, so you can actually see the whole speech they gave. But for this one, she used the analogy of the Gideon’s and the Gideon Bibles, where every hotel room practically in America has a Gideon’s Bible in it. If handing people a Bible was kind of the end, then the Gideons would have already conquered America to a large degree, because they put bibles everywhere. But it’s not enough just to hand off bibles, this is why you need parents, this is why you need teachers, this is why you need preachers, because really you have to teach the law.

You have to teach people what they’re supposed to learn from the bible. As they read, they do need teachers, they do need guides. Otherwise, they begin to either ignore the bible altogether and just focus on what they want, which is humanism 101, or of course, they gloss over the fact that they have to obey God in order to get God’s blessings, God’s assistance, God’s help. This is what it really means if you’re going to be a real missionary, that’s something you have to get across. You can’t just go somewhere, hand kids a bible, print their name on the front and say you’ve done your job. Being a missionary means you have to get out there and teach, teach, teach, teach, teach. Make people to understand what the bible says and really making it sound like [inaudible 00:16:46] really, really, really teaching.

Once again, we just mentioned there the don’t just go around preaching Jesus all the time, because then you cheapen it means, what is it Jesus did. Jesus died for our sins, what’s a sin? This is the purpose of what a missionary does. Another quote here is, “Christians need to be as dedicated to change as our enemies are.” This was a big one because if anybody’s paying attention, you can just look on the internet, you can look on the news, newspapers, anything you’re looking at. You can tell that people who are non-Christians are very dedicated to their causes. They give their entire lives to their cause. The good times and the bad, they are just absolutely 100% dedicated to what they’re doing. Of course it’s not dedicated to good, it is dedicated to evil, but they are dedicated nonetheless. You can certainly look at these people and admire their dedication, although it is a perverse dedication it’s still dedication.

You can look at the Christians as the norm and they’re not willing to be dedicated to anything. Most of them can’t even keep a job, much less be dedicated to Christian work. I really do wish that people would get this concept of being dedicated. As missionaries we tied this in during her event, I mentioned how modern missions is sold to teenagers in particular and this is very common. When she was doing research we looked this up on the internet, websites and it’s kind of like a travel agent almost, “Where would you like to go? Would you like to go to China? Asia? Would you like to go to Africa? Or England?” You can find these people like party planners and they set you up where you’d like to go.

Then of course, [inaudible 00:18:26] be, “Would you like to serve in the cities? Would you like to serve in the rural communities?” They kind of put you where you want to be in these certain areas. In other words, it’s just like a travel agency. It’s not real missions, it’s, “We’re going to send you off for a week or two weeks and you’re going to do a little bit of … You’re going to share the gospel. You’re going to have a sermon or two. You’re going to help build a wall, and then you’re going to have lunch.” Once again, it’s an outing. It’s really an experience. It’s not actual missions.

People, and I think this ties into the next quote here, they don’t understand what real missions is. They don’t understand what real dedication is. The next quote I have is, “Missions and being a missionary is not about your experience or you personally. It’s about influencing culture for Christ.” That’s a great quote because this is the problem with modern missions. It’s all about them, it’s about their experiences. You’ll see them out there, taking photos of themselves with all the little kiddies, and then in two weeks they come home. It was a vacation for them. They may never go again, but then of course they’ll have the story they’ll use for the rest of their life about how they went to Africa on a missions trip. It wasn’t a missions trip, it was a vacation. That’s what it was. Backyard missionaries was a really, really good talk my wife did.

If people have an idea what missions is, they should really rethink it because the first missionaries, what I would consider to be real missionaries, were Paul and these guys. I remember one time when I was reading the book of Acts for the kids and Paul gets stoned and they think he’s dead. They drag him out of the city, he gets up, apparently was not dead. He brushed himself off, went right back into the city again. Now once again, the modern idea of missions is not remotely this kind of type of dedication. Paul did not see it as a choice. It wasn’t something he decided to do for one week or for two weeks or for one month. This was a calling. This was something that he was specifically called to do and he just kept doing it. He was going to do it until he was dead, until God allowed him not to do it anymore, which would have been death.

That’s what the idea of calling is. So, to really bring back the concept of what a missionary is we have to get rid of this idea that missions is a vacations that you did for two weeks when you were 17 years old, or because you went over to Europe. No, that is called a vacation, that is not missions. But I definitely encourage people to go and listen to the speech, it was really good. Now moving on, I also was one of the speakers and my topic was the importance of Christian education. Since the Preschool Pioneers Podcast is all about that, this is something that was really important to us. I have a couple quotes here, I won’t go into too much but I will touch on the quotes and move on.

One of the quotes that I had was, “Christian education deals with the root problem. It understands the problem and it seeks to correct the problem.” This is what Christian education is. It’s not something where you’re going out to argue with people, but you’re trying to understand what is the root problem we’re having? One of the root problems we’re having with education in particular is how children are educated. People have a problem starting at the top all the time. They want to start when they’re 15, 16 years old, or even older, college level, and then they want to try to deconstruct the person and then reteach them or reeducate them. Why don’t we just start at the bottom? Start when they’re young. Why don’t we be the first ones to get in there? Why aren’t the Christians the ones to get in there and properly educate the children first? Instead of us trying to get in there and undo everything that’s been done for the last 15 years.

This is what this speech is partially about. I think it’s something that people do not get or understand, but let’s go ahead and move on to another quote here. “Reconstruction is inevitable. Christian reconstruction just means that a person is converted, their life changes. As their life changes, the family changes, and then the community changes, the society changes, and then of course a nation can change. The concept of reconstruction is inevitable. The question is, who is reconstructing? Who is building? Who is working on it? I can tell you one thing, the humanists are working on constructing the society that they want.” That was the quote. I think that it was very good as far as pointing the importance of Christian education. It’s about influencing a culture for Christ. It’s about doing our jobs.

Part of that is understanding that if you’re going to actually influence anyone, you actually have to get out there and do the work. Once again, the dedication we were talking about a minute ago is the exact same thing we’re talking about here. The non-Christians do 100% and are dedicated. They have a goal in mind and they are working on constructing the world as they see fit, in their image. The Christians should be devoted to constructing a world in God’s image, and this is the problem, and this is why education and Christian education is important. Because if we’re not constructing things for God, the non-Christians are constructing things against Him.

The main problem you see in our culture today is Christians have completely dropped out. They’re not trying to construct. They’re not [inaudible 00:24:08] reconstruct. They’re not in the ball game at all. They’re completely on the sidelines, watching, just complaining. If we want to make a difference, we have to stop complaining and we have to get to work. Here’s the last quote I have for the speech I did on the importance of Christian education. “Reconstruction is not revolution. Reconstruction is a grassroots effort.” A lot of people think that the idea of reconstruction or Christian reconstruction is to get into political power, somehow, to get ahold of the law system, get ahold of congress and all the rest of the stuff. We’re just going to go at the top and work our way down and force people to get in line.

That is not Christian reconstruction. Christian reconstruction starts at the bottom. It understands that the problems you have at the top are because of all the issues that have happened prior. If we’re really going to make a difference, once again you have to understand what the problem is, and then you have to work to correct that problem. You can’t just sit around and complain about it all the time, but we’re actually going to get to work, then it actually takes people dedicated to do that. Now we have some more stuff here. We had a panel discussion on the first day of our event. One of the quotes that came out of there was, “That’s why it’s important to start with preschool children, because the children of today will the adults of tomorrow, and the adults of tomorrow will be the ones affecting the world.” That was a very good quote. The reason why it was important and good is because it’s pointing something that people should get and understand, but for some reason they do not.

Once again, it’s very saddening that they don’t. For some reason they want to start at the top. They want to start with the older kids, the college kids and all the rest. But they don’t seem to understand that instead of complaining about how people are, why don’t you start influencing them today? They’re very soon going to be adults. As a way of illustration for this, our schools, Grace Community Schools, my wife and I have been working ours since 1998, so a little over 17 years now. We have already started having children who were three years old when we had them, when we were talking to them, instructing them everyday in bible. We’ve had them come back now. Now they’re adults. Just short time, blink of an eye and now they’re the adults. They’re the ones coming back with kids now.

This idea of people not wanting to work at the bottom, they don’t view as important to work with kids, really don’t understand the problem and they certainly don’t understand how to correct it. But one thing that’s very important to remember is this, is that the adults of tomorrow are kids today. The question is, who’s going to help direct, mold and guide the children of today’s vision for what tomorrow should look like. If it’s not the Christians, it will be someone else. Moving on, we also were discussing other things, like our materials. One of the things that our school has is operations manual. Some of the questions came up about the model we have here. It says, “So does the family Christian model actually work in the real world? Not in theory but in the real world. Does it work?” Of course the answer is, “Yes, it does.” We have a Christian school model here with a family, husband, wife, children, operate the school together.

It’s a very, very profitable model that works. It works really well, not only because husband and wife work together and financially take care of themselves, but they also get to control their children’s education and also give their children something that they need, which of course is real world experience. They don’t just sit around doing book work all day, but they can actually help with various aspects to learn about the real world. We can move on now to some of the other commentors. One of those was Pastor Ellsworth McIntyre. He did a speech on permit the little children.

One of the quotes I have from here was, “That’s why you ask children to memorize the 10 commandments, because sooner or later, mostly sooner, they’re going to realize that they cannot keep those commandments perfectly and that they’re going to need a savior.” That’s of course one of the reasons we’ve mentioned and touched on already, why you teach the commandments as Paul says to Timothy, their school master, to lead them to Christ. When they learn that, yes you don’t keep those commandments, you really do steal, you don’t always want to listen to your parents, you do actually want to hurt people from time to time, if it’s brothers or sisters or friends, you do covet other people’s properties. They realize that they have a problem and they need help, and of course that help is Christ.

This is why you teach the law. Then of course after these people have gone to Christ for repentance, now the law is not there as a condemnation unto them, it’s now their guide in how to live. These things are important. Moving on, we had Reverend Samuel Harrison with a committeemen to making a difference. On his I have a couple quotes here about what it means to make a difference and what commitment means. We kind of touched on commitment a little bit but we can keep going. The quote I have, one of them is, “People who want to participate in this kind of ministry or any kind of Christian education ministry, they need to be people of resolve and commitment. It’s not always easy but doing something that’s worthwhile often isn’t really easy.” That was a really, really good quote.

The second one I have that goes with it is, “Change does not take place overnight. You have to be willing to accept sacrifice and to put in time. God doesn’t promise change on our terms, change has to come through God on His timing.” This is something that’s very vital to Christian reconstruction and the efforts and people that think that they understand it, but it’s not about revolution, it’s not about change from the top. It’s about the grassroots effort we’re talking about. It’s about starting at the bottom. It’s about trying to make change. It’s about sowing the seeds. But once again, the bible talks about, “some sow the seeds and some water.” Everybody has a different part to play in how things they work out. You won’t always get to see the fruits of your labors immediately, but that’s what faith is all about.

If you want to make a difference, you really have to be committed as Reverend Harrison here is talking about in these quotes, because it’s something that you have to come into everyday. You have to come into it day in, you have to come into day out, doing your job, knowing that God is going to bless your efforts because you’re doing what he said. When you’re told to go out and to disciple the nations, it’s a calling, it’s a job. He’s the one who’s going to take care of how it’s effected. In other words, the bible says that whenever His word goes out it does not return unto void, but it performs the function wherewith He had sent it. Your job is to listen if you are an evangelist, a parent, a preacher, a teacher. God will take care of the rest. How that takes place isn’t always immediate.

A lot of people will never get to see how effective they were in their lifetime, but this is something that God keeps track of. If you’re going to make a difference in the world today, and especially understanding what Christian reconstructionism is, this is something you have to understand. All too many people walk away from, I wouldn’t say necessarily the faith, but I would say from productivity, from doing something. It’s because they don’t see the immediate change, and because they don’t immediately see change right away, then they must ineffectual. Well, only ineffectual because you have no faith to see that you’re being effectual. Commitment to making a difference was really great, by Reverend Samuel Harrison. If you want to see that, once again you can go to the website and catch the entire video or our YouTube channel. Next was Mrs. Amy Slack. This one was really great. This was something that was different.

Truly, you’re never ever going to see something like this again. I guarantee you, you will never see this kind of speech at any Christian reconstruction or reformed meeting of any sorts. I don’t want to spoil it too much but let’s just say she wasn’t the only presenter that happened … presenting during her speech. Her speech was Godly change through Christian preschool, something that we are involved in. Let’s just say I’m going to make you go there and watch the video, because I’m not going to spoil it. I’m just going to give you one name and I’m just going to give a shout out to Blueberry, because anybody who watches the video will get what I’m saying. Shout out to Blueberry. Go watch the video and you’ll see what I’m talking about. But back to our points here, because Blueberry was great.

I have a quote here from Amy. It said, “We need to stop talking. We need to start doing. We need people to get out there and do it.” She’s talking about the work of Christian education. She says, “We know the problem. Get out there and start doing. Start doing the work. God needs more workers.” That’s a great quote because I think it hits the nail on the head of what our event was all about and what it really means. If you notice, all this is tying together. This isn’t really accidental, whenever you’re talking about a subject it’s not just ideas, action is necessary. Sad, most people want to talk all the time, but this right here takes the hammer and whack, whack, whack, nail on the head for me.

We know what the problem is, the world’s full of sin. I mean, come on. How much talking do we have to do? Do we have to really sit around in a circle and pull out a pie chart to identify what the problem is? Let’s start. Okay, hold on a minute, let’s think. One, two, three. Okay, here it is. The world’s full of sin. It’s full of people who like to sin and we, as Christians, need to teach them not to do that. It’s not a really difficult formula really, but for some reason people want to sit around and talk about it all the time, but we know what it is.

We need people who, once again, committed, who see and understand the differences and what needs to be done, but mostly not just understanding, somebody who wants to get out there and do it. The entire title of the event was, “Don’t run from the world, change it.” That’s exactly what this is talking about. Moving on, we had other speakers as well. We had another panel discussion as well. One of the comments that came up during the panel discussion was also very important, which if you hear the theme of this entire episode, it kind of repeats itself, kind of like most things do. It says this, it says, “Christian reconstruction is not a simple task and it’s certainly not something that can be done in one generation or even two generations. Even if it could, we’d have to do it all over again anyways.” That of course was from Pastor McIntyre during the panel discussion as we were talking.

Both panel discussions can also be found on the website and the YouTube channel. I encourage you to look at those. This was a question was directed towards reconstruction, its importance and is it ever a task that’s ever completed, and that kind of thing. Pastor McIntyre was talking about how it’s something that is never done and it won’t be done until Christ returns. It’s a constant, constant task, constant job. You go back to the disciples, they were given the original task to go and disciple the nations, and we’re still working on it. We’re still doing it. Even if, let’s says in your local community you did a great job, well guess what, the next generation’s coming around and that next generation needs to be taught again, and again, ang again, and again. It’s not something that’s ever going to end.

Christian reconstruction from generation to generation is something that has to constantly be doing. This is why I say, and I’ve talked to a lot of people but I don’t see if they really understand this concept, that Christian reconstruction really is just about basic Christianity and its propagation, basically evangelism. I call it Christian reconstruction just because the majority of Christians today don’t have proper theology at all. I think that that’s why I like the term Christian reconstruction because we literally have to reconstruct Christianity to have proper doctrine again, all the bad doctrines that have leaked in. That’s why I like the term, because we can’t just say Christianity because it’s so infested right now, with so horrible doctrines.

We really do need to get back to what was originally being taught by the disciples. It’s really not overly complicated. Moving on, last couple things here as far as the event was concerned. We also went over our operations manual and we also went over apprenticeship in general, kind of extended discussion on apprenticeship. Anybody who was interested in the concept of what we offer here or have here, you can go to these videos and you’re going to find I think one at the end, I think is what it’s called, I think it’s called, “Operations manual and apprenticeship,” I think is what it’s called. You can go there and you can learn a lot about it. We talk about it but here are a couple quotes.

It says, “You really have to put yourself into it. If you’re not committed to Christian reconstruction, then you won’t succeed.” Kind of a repeat of what we’ve already been saying. If you’re not committed to something and you quit, then you’re really not effective. Another quote we have is, “Running a school is very difficult. It’s not something simple to do. It’s not an easy task and it’s not something that anybody can do. If you want to learn how to be a successful teacher, a successful owner operator, you need to find people like us that are doing it successfully.” This was a quote that I have had discussing the apprenticeship. People that talk about Christian education or starting schools of any sort, making a difference, yadi yadi yada. Most people have never worked in the field of education.

They’re not teachers, they’re not people who have any experience whatsoever. A lot of times people will listen to people who have never run schools before. They’ve never actually been an educator before but they’ll sit around and listen to people talk about, “Oh, we really need to do this,” or, “We really need to do that.” But you’re listening to somebody who literally has never done it. It’d be like if I sat down and was talking to people about selling a boat. I don’t know anything about boats or how to sell it, but I could sit around and talk about it. Anybody who listened to me would be wasting their time. I literally don’t know what I’m talking about, I’ve never done it. I could go on endlessly about what I think it would be like to be on a boat or what you might need to do or problems you might run into, but considering I’ve never actually sailed a boat or actually even been on a sailboat, why would anybody listen to me? That’s kind of the idea we’re talking about here, whenever we’re admonishing people to find someone who is successful.

We’re not the only people who are working in the field of education, but we are very successful at what we do and therefor, whenever we tell people, “If you’re interested in this subject, we have over 30 years of education success here. Over 30 years, nine locations, with more locations lined up to start.” Now, I can’t personally think of anybody that I know of who has that much success, maybe somebody else might. If they do, drop me a line. I’d love to meet them, talk to them as well, because I love talking to people in the same field as me. But I don’t of any, so if a person is really interested, I mean really interested and actually doing some … not just talking about, really, really interested in making a difference, maybe you listened to this or maybe you watched the videos, and it’s something that sparks your interest.

It would never hurt to talk to us if you had something to find out if it is something that you might be interested in doing. As we were talking about at the beginning, apprenticeship is not like a commitment to college, where you’re stuck for the next 10 or 15 years if you just decided it was a good idea at the time. But for us, we are seriously looking for people, and if you’re one of those people, like I was a long time ago, that is interested in the field of Christian education or running a school, starting a school, then I would definitely admonish somebody to look at our website, gcsapprenticeship.com. Watch these videos, it will give you a good idea of what we’re talking about.

We have lots of other stuff, materials on the website as well, which give you a lot of good advice about it. There are some books on there, articles on there. All kinds of stuff really on there for you to look at. I would definitely admonish you to do that. This even was really good. I found it very encouraging. I think it will encourage you if you go there and watch it. If you get the time to do it I would definitely encourage you to do it. I’m going to go ahead and wrap this episode up of the Preschool Pioneers Podcast. I want to thank everybody who took the time to bear with me as we read some quotes here and had some discussion on it. I do want to promote these videos and I think that people could be edified by them.

If someone is truly interested in becoming a Christian school teacher or operating a school, then I would definitely recommend looking further into from the website or contacting us directly. We’ll see what we can do to help you out one way or the other, and of course, potentiality of apprenticeship, should of course a person be interested in that as well. Look at our website, once again, gcsapprenticeship.com. You can find us on the internet, go to Facebook, it is GCS Apprenticeship Program, you can punch that into the search bar, you can find that there. Of course for this you can subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play. You can also go on Facebook and like our page, which you go to the search bar I believe it is, and punch in, “Preschool Pioneers Podcast.” That will be all for today. I hope you guys have heard something that you’ll find edifying. We’ll be talking to you next week.

Speaker 1: The Reconstructionist Radio Podcast Network brings to you a complete lineup of podcasts where you will hear practical and tactical theology. Our desire’s not simply that you consume our shows but that you also live out your faith in every area of life. We can talk all day long about these things, but if we fail to put them into practice, then we fail as ambassadors of Jesus Christ our King. Subscribe now to your favorite Reconstructionist Radio Podcast Network shows, or you can subscribe to the Reconstructionist Radio master feed, where all of the content we produce, including the audio books and audio articles will pop up as soon as they are available. Don’t forget to visit reconstructinistradio.com to volunteer as a narrator or to partner with this ministry financially. May the Holy Spirit stir you into action for Christ and His kingdom.

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