August 2017 Book Give-a-Way!

This month the GCS Apprenticeship Program is giving away R.J. Rushdoony’s book “SOVEREIGNTY.

The word sovereignty means one who is above all. It is the supreme and highest power. The Christian defines the Sovereign Lord as unlimited, independent, with original authority. For fallen man, sovereignty belongs to the state because the state is the source of law. Since the Christian can have no other gods (Ex. 20:3), history is defined appropriately by Augustine as a conflict between the City of Man and the City of God. As in all conflicts, we must choose this day whom we will serve. In this posthumously published volume, R. J. Rushdoony examines the comprehensive implications of God’s sovereignty with a clear eye to critiquing the various places where man posits sovereignty-especially the sovereign state. This is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the crises of our times.

You can enter to win this month’s book by clicking on the link below!

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